Body as Earth

“I came into the Embodiment Mentorship because I was looking to reconnect with my body, having been so into my head for a while. I was always late to really listen to my body and would only be reminded through sickness. Wanting to change that, I decided to seek out Chloe because I had only heard beautiful things about her. I attended her Embodied Landscape Movements Session and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Chloe is really precise and poetic in how she delivers her instructions/suggestions, which made me believe it possible to engage in this workshop with her online. And it was. I felt very secure in each of the sessions, and through her instructions/suggestions, was able to really explore how I felt in my body. It’s truly been a liberating experience for me!

Chloe really listens and incorporated my use of visualisation as part of how she’d offer the movements. She is always generous and checks in to ensure the practice is beautifully received as it is shared. Truly a nourishing workshop and I’d recommend this to anyone who would like to experience the same.” – Nurul, Academic

Biodynamic Somatic Therapy in Singapore

September 1 - 30, 2024

A path to reconnect with your body.

A journey towards regulating your nervous system, fostering better body awareness, and recovery.

At its core, this therapy employs gentle techniques rooted in Craniosacral dynamics, somatic awareness, and trauma-sensitive practices. It aims to release compounded tension and restore balance.

This therapy can support re-balancing for chronic pain, fatigue, burnout, anxiety, and more; alongside a deeper understanding of one’s own inner embodied wisdom.