Oceanic Body: Rituals of Deep Time – An Embodiment Retreat

April 26, 2024 (Friday) to April 28, 2024 (Sunday)

We invite you to our next embodiment retreat, Oceanic Body: Rituals of Deep Time. With the hopes to gather an intentional group with authentic interest in this work of deepening connection to self, collective, and earth. While widening our capacity for stress amidst the fragility of modernity.

Modern way of life has coerced us towards the violence of rushing, urgency of time, and pursuit of perfection.

In the lifespan of the earth, we are a blink of an eye. In this animistic perspective, time is tectonic.

Oceanic Body: Rituals of Deep Time is a container to expand our embodied notions of time, slowing down through states of movement, collective dreaming, and returning to the rhythms of nature – where there is no rushing, but everything gets done.

With the witness of the ocean, being moved and moving with the waters of our body – we remember ourselves as expansive as that of the horizon.

As drops of the ocean, we come together as our ancestors did – to seek counsel with nature in states of deep time through storytelling, movement, sound, and circles.

Move with us for this intentional gathering.

Within the secluded Sugi Island, Riau Archipelago — we have the internal and external spaciousness, that is often difficult to access amidst urban terrain. This space invites us into the Oceanic Body.

We would be honoured to welcome you.

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Biodynamic Somatic Therapy in Singapore

Feb 1 - Mar 1, 2025

Biodynamic Somatic Therapy is a method of gently realigning the body’s dynamics to release tension, restore balance, and support holistic healing from chronic pain, stress, and emotional volatility.

Biodynamic Somatic Therapy (BST) is a gentle, hands-on approach that works with the body’s natural rhythms to reorganise from misaligned or overworked states into more fluid, available, and spacious states of internal harmony. 

Rooted in Craniosacral dynamics, BST focuses on the spine—the core of the central nervous system—helping to address chronic pain, fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, and the lingering effects of trauma.