Biodynamic Somatic Therapy

Biodynamic Somatic Therapy in Singapore

September 1 - 30, 2024

A path to reconnect with your body.

A journey towards regulating your nervous system, fostering better body awareness, and recovery.

At its core, this therapy employs gentle techniques rooted in Craniosacral dynamics, somatic awareness, and trauma-sensitive practices. It aims to release compounded tension and restore balance.

This therapy can support re-balancing for chronic pain, fatigue, burnout, anxiety, and more; alongside a deeper understanding of one’s own inner embodied wisdom.

Biodynamic Somatic Therapy offers a path to reconnect with your body.

It is a journey towards regulating your nervous system, fostering better body awareness, and supporting recovery. This therapy can support re-balancing for chronic pain, fatigue, burn-out, anxiety, and, more; alongside a deeper understanding of one’s own inner embodied wisdom. 

At its core, this therapy employs gentle techniques rooted in Craniosacral dynamics, focusing on the spine—the home of our central nervous system. Through non-invasive, hands-on sessions, it aims to release tension, restore balance, and cultivate internal harmony.

A disconnection between your mind and body can come in the forms of chronic stress, recurring anxiety, emotional repression, insomnia, or the lingering effects of trauma. Biodynamic Somatic Therapy offers a pathway to integration. It’s a space where you can address physical ailments, find complimentary support during stressful seasons (such as intensive medical treatment, uncertainty, major life transitions), and navigate emotional turbulence with greater ease.

Drawing from the ancient wisdom of the Vedas, soma symbolizes the nectar of life. Somatic therapy delves beyond mere talk or cognitive processes. It honors the living body, embracing its unspoken narratives and subtle expressions to heal holistically. 

*Sessions are available in Singapore and the Philippines

*Sliding scale and financial assistance available upon request. Please contact Chloe directly

“On the deepest level,
change always involves the body.”

About Chloe Calderon Chotrani as

Somatic Therapist

Chloe integrates Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST), Trauma Informed Facilitation, and Somatic Touch Therapy focused on settling the nervous system and bringing into awareness the subtle somatic pathways of the body.

Her approach is a balance of the holistic sciences, embodied intelligence, trauma sensitivity, deep listening, safe relational attachment, and intuitive attuning. 

Chloe is informed by her personal experiences with severe anxiety, volatile environments, and transformation from anxious and avoidant attachments to secure relational dynamics. 

Given the collective trauma that the world is experiencing; Chloe places herself in the role of service towards more deeper and expansive states of safe relating and holistic health. 

She has formal training in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy with Body Intelligence, Trauma Informed Relational Somatics with Soma Clinic (SG), Somatic Touch Therapy with Illuma Health, and Trauma Sensitive Facilitation with the Trauma Centre (AUS). 

Currently based between Singapore and Philippines, bookings are available upon request.

The Flow

1. Connection Call

Book a 15 minute Complimentary Connection Call.

We can get to know each other and see what best suits your needs and wants.

2. Initial Session

Deepen your relationship to your body through a somatic approach to therapy and healing.

Schedule an initial session during your call with Chloe.

3. Continuing Sessions

Continuity allows for a more transformative journey to create new habits and patterns. 

A series of three bookings is recommended for depth of change.

Frequently Asked Questions

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) invites a settling of the nervous system through consensual touch and receptive communication.

The key components to this therapy is the presence and touch in creating a relational field between the therapist and client that allows for a sense of safety.

Safety invites a more spacious capacity for healing.

Touch is a language of listening to the body. Each palm has 17,000 touch receptors and nerve endings. These receptors allow skilled therapists to sense specific subtle internal rhythms and movement of the varied fluids (tissues, muscles, nerves, neurons, bones, fascia, etc) in the body. Our bodies are dynamic living systems and touch is a way of listening to that life force.

When a grounded, balanced, and regulated presence creates a safely held space for the recipient to receive; it allows for the potential to access a deeper sense of embodied awareness. Given the demands of a modern urban lifestyle; we often experience disconnection between mind and body. Receiving touch can deepen and expand our relationship to our bodies.

Source: Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America

Sessions will vary from practitioner but generally your session will begin by sitting and talking with your therapist about any of your health concerns. Together you will discuss a brief health history and what you would like to get out of the session.

During the session, you will be fully clothed, sitting in a chair to start and then lying on a massage table in a supported and comfortable way. It is important that you feel comfortable and safe at all times so you will want to ask for any adjustments you need to the lighting, temperature, etc. Your therapist may ask you from time to time what you are experiencing, and will help you to stay present with whatever your experience is.

When the session begins your therapist will check with you to make sure that you are comfortable. Then there will be a period of dialogue before your therapist makes physical contact with you. Sometimes it takes some time and dialogue to get your comfort just right so you can relax. You will be guided through this process. Establishing comfort is an important first step that ensures that what unfolds in the session is about you and not occurring in reaction to a feeling of lack of safety with the therapist or comfort on the table.

When contact is made the therapist will check in again to make sure the touch is right for you. Session work involves a very light, gentle touch. Your therapist may begin at your feet, at your head (cranium) or on your sacrum (the triangular bone at the bottom of the spine). During your session, depending on your areas of concern, your therapist can go to any area of the body that needs to be worked with, using the contact that feels best for you.

Sessions can last anywhere from a half hour to an hour or an hour and a half depending on the therapist you are working with and your needs. During that time, the therapist will quietly, gently hold parts of your body, listening to the subtle rhythms and tracking changes in your system. In this process the therapist will listen for your body’s expression of the order of priorities for this particular session which will lead to your desired outcome. It is important to note that while a single session can have noticeable effects, it often takes multiple sessions to achieve the results you are seeking.

During the session, you may:

  • Relax so deeply that you fall asleep

  • Enter a quiet meditation-like state

  • Feel as if you are dreaming while awake

  • Experience memories or insights while on the table

  • Enjoy a pleasant sense of warmth, softening, widening or floating

At times, you may experience other kinds of sensations as energy that has been held in the body is released. If this occurs, just stay present with your breath and bodily sensations and allow this energy to discharge. The session quite often involves a process of letting go of patterns that inhibit your health and vitality. Once these patterns begin to shift, the therapist may notice changes in your fluids, tissues, bones and potency. You may experience a sense of integration in your body, mind and spirit.

At the end of the session, you may:

  • Feel relaxed, but also energized

  • Find yourself breathing more fully and deeply

  • Stand straighter and taller

  • Feel more comfortable in your body

  • You may be surprised to feel a new sense of peace and ease as you leave the office to return, renewed, to your life

  • Notice an improvement in your sleep patterns

No matter what your experience, your therapist will take some time with you after you are off the table to check in about how you are doing. This is a great opportunity to find words for your experience and reflect on how differently you feel after your session. The effects can also be felt even after you leave your session.

Take time in the next 2-3 days just to notice how you are in the world.

  • What is the quality of your sleep that night?

  • How is your digestion?

  • How is your overall experience of life?

By paying attention to the lasting effects of this work you will be able to gauge what the ongoing use of this work might offer you

People have experienced some of the following:

Feeling safer in their bodies, which leads to being able to feel safer with and around other people.

Feelings of release in the restrictions and tensions in the body

Small subtle movements and adjustments (reorganising) in the body

Temperature shifting (cold to warm, healthy blood flow increase)

Deep sense of relaxation and relief

A sense of resilience, energetics, calmness, clarity

Reduction of pain and aches in the body

Improved immunity or sleep

Better digestion and relaxed visceral systems

Heightened bodily awareness and connection

Better coping mechanism with stress

Experiencing less ‘threat’ or ‘hyper-vigilance’ in their daily lives. Often in the form of anxiety or panic attacks.

Being able to have stronger boundaries and a better sense of ‘self’. Often, this leads to less people-pleasing.

Softening of the aches, tension, and tightness in the body; that’s often chronic or returning pain. Leading to a more light-hearted experience of living.

Supportive aid for medical surgery or cancer recovery. Allowing the stress in the body to gently release.

If you have a body, you can receive bodywork!

It is especially effective for caretakers, people experiencing pain or aches in the body, people who want to feel a stronger connection with their mind and bodies.

For Mothers experiencing pre or post partum, this treatment is deeply effective. It also applies to infants and children.

Lastly, this treatment is encouraged for people who experience regular patterns of chronic fatigue, insomnia, and anxiety; along with expressions of physical and emotional trauma that can be triggered from accidents, illnesses, intensive medical treatments (chemotherapy, surgery, etc.), psychological issues, anxious or avoidant relational dynamics, and more.

BCST is a holistic and clinically effective therapy for the treatment of emotional, physiological, and medical issues. It is supportive of creating a state of restoration by accessing and inviting the inherent capacity for the body to self-repair.

Through periodical BCST treatments over time, a person can experience transformation through an increase in vitality, resilience, mental and emotional clarity, a changing of harmful patterns that encourage dis-ease, and healthier ways of relating to oneself and others.

Holistic health has values of preventative care. Meaning, rather than waiting for a sickness or illness to grow worse or even occur; we treat the body to continuously come into balance.

We recommend coming into bodywork therapy either every two weeks or monthly, depending on your needs.

For more severe trauma, weekly for a period of 8 weeks is a good time frame for a deep dive into supporting the body’s healing.

You may reschedule up to 24 hours prior to your booking. Any later than that is chargeable at 50%.

The Biodynamic Approach

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle non-invasive, hands-on session for the whole body. Performed on a massage table, the client is fully clothed and the practitioner touch is light and still.

The session focus is to support the inherent health of the whole being, especially the nervous system. The nervous system dictates all of the body’s functioning, constantly sending and receiving information.

The Biodynamic approach has evolved into a remarkable body therapy that has created a highly-skilled way of listening to the body’s inherent health expressions.

The therapist typically looks for and encourages the forces of health to set the priorities of the session and to bring about natural adjustments from within the body’s own resources.

It is characterised by a strong orientation to the holism of the human experience where both the body’s anatomy and physiology are related to with the subtle forces of life that act through the interface of the body’s fluids.

The therapy creates a safe space for traumatic experiences to emerge and resolve smoothly without being overwhelming or re-stimulating.

References & Resources:
Body Intelligence and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association

PRESALE: Oceanic Body Retreat

May 9-11, 2025 at Telunas, Sugi Island

Oceanic Body is a 3 day deep dive into the wisdom of the water within our bodies.

Modern way of life has coerced us towards the violence of rushing and pursuit of perfection. This drives us into daily distraction, and compounded tension that leads into chronic fatigue and disease. 

Deep time invites us into collective care expressed through deep time practices of embodiment and sound. Space held by trauma-informed facilitator and embodiment guide Chloe of Body as Earth and soundscapes meditative journeys with Dr. Foo.

Live over the water at the rustic yet tasteful Telunas, a secluded beach on Sugi Island, only a 2 hour ferry ride away from Singapore.