Body as Earth

Chloe was thoughtful about easing the entire process for me, from inquiry about specific intentions and needs, and checking in throughout our time together. I could feel how intuitive and individualised the energy was. I loved Chloe’s gentle facilitation, she was present in both talking and moving with me through the session, allowing me to grasp and stay with the practice. I have new tools and bodily awareness that I am able to integrate myself. I would absolutely recommend connecting with Chloe and receiving her medicine.

Biodynamic Somatic Therapy in Singapore

September 1 - 30, 2024

A path to reconnect with your body.

A journey towards regulating your nervous system, fostering better body awareness, and recovery.

At its core, this therapy employs gentle techniques rooted in Craniosacral dynamics, somatic awareness, and trauma sensitive practices. It aims to release compounded tension, and restore balance. 

This therapy can support re-balancing for chronic pain, fatigue, burn-out, anxiety, and, more; alongside a deeper understanding of one’s own inner embodied wisdom.