da:ns Lab 2019, March 2019
The following article contains extracts from an archival report of da:ns lab 2019, written from the perspectives of participants Chloe Chotrani and Chan Sze-Wei. This article also contains verbatim transcriptions of conversations among facilitators and participants.
Day one
As I write this, the Singapore skyline is hazy from the neighboring forest fires. A reminder of the call of the climate crisis. The haze returns every year and is treated by society in Singapore as a normal part of the weather. All conversations at this point are interwoven to our ecology. This year’s da:ns lab theme, Listen to Country brings questions about our relationship to land. What is our place in relationship to the land we live on? What does it mean to listen to the land? What can we do to respond to the call of the land? Are we willing to listen?