Healing from Abuse: Body-Centered Approaches

A story about recovering from abuse through processing with the body.


Misty grew up in a abusive household with violence, isolation, and neglect.

She ran away and had to figure life out ‘on her own’.

Today, she has a stable job, a few friends, and many challenges here and there, especially socially, but she is getting by.

She knows deep inside there are some emotional issues that she is afraid to open up to.

She can’t afford to breakdown or ‘lose it’.


She comes to therapy, slightly worried, but knowing it will be a necessary process — yet, she is willing, the secret ingredient.

Misty shares stories, I encourage her to only share as far as she wants.

We don’t have to go where she doesn’t want to go.

She shares, and she welcomes her emotions to emerge.

I encourage that, as it is good to allow emotions to express.

Expressing emotions heals emotional repression, which can lead to harmful self-destructive tendencies.


Once we feel ready, we shift to the somatic portion, and Misty lay’s down comfortably on the massage table with a blanket, ready to receive, in a slightly fragile state, yet open, willing, and trusting.

Gentle touch techniques create an immediate effect on the nervous system, metabolising some of these difficult, deep, generational, and old emotions that have been running through her body.

With the support of another gentle presence, the physical expression of these emotions can go from being stagnant and closed, into internal motion, flow, and release — in the most subtle, and gentle way.


We continue to work together, with trust, openness, ease, and rest.

The parasympathetic system (rest and digest state) is active, and Misty is in a dream-like, almost sleeping, yet aware.

At the end, she wakes with a deep sense of rest, and feeling more sharp, alert, and soothed.


What was once a fragile state, transformed into an integrated, process, and witnessed journey that has now crossed it’s threshold and no longer holds her back.

Every now and then, when those memories come, she has the somatic tools to navigate them. Along with the support of a contained professional therapeutic setting to process challenging and complex emotions..


Misty feels more connected to her body and she can decode what the body needs, how to control and change it’s state, while allowing it to be authentic and truthful in it’s expression.

The names have been altered to assure and respect their privacy.

Somatic and Embodiment available in Singapore with Body as Earth this May and June 2024.

Receive 1:1 support through Biodynamic Somatic Therapy.

Join the movement workshop Embodied Landscapes.

Learn about being trauma-sensitive through the Art of Holding Space: Trauma Sensitive Practices for Facilitators.

Unearth your ancestral stories through Primordial Waters: Ancestor Circle.

Explore all upcoming offerings here.

Further Readings

Earth Wisdom

Anxiety, Guidance & Resources, Holistic Health

Guidance & Resources, Holistic Health, Somatic Therapy

Anxiety, Guidance & Resources

In a grandiose world that asks for more and more with the finite abundance that nature gives to us, small can be a way to appreciate the enough. Enough can be plenty. Small can be magnificent. And, stories will always keep the fire burning. Small stories are intimate and informal stories with Chloe.

Small stories

Guidance & Resources

Anxiety, Guidance & Resources, Holistic Health

Guidance & Resources, Holistic Health, Somatic Therapy

Guidance & Resources, Holistic Health, Somatic Therapy

Anxiety, Guidance & Resources, Holistic Health

upcoming events

All events, workshops, classes, retreats and performances facilitated by Chloe Calderon Chotrani. 

no upcoming events. currently on hiatus. please subscribe newsletter for updates

Embodied Landscapes

event concluded

Biodynamic Somatic Therapy in Singapore

event concluded

Embodied Landscapes in Singapore

event concluded

Talk: Embodied Wisdom Amidst Climate Collapse

event concluded

Art of Holding Space: Trauma Sensitive Practices for Facilitators

event concluded

Embodied Landscapes in Singapore

event concluded

Primordial Waters: Ancestor Circle

event concluded

Biodynamic Somatic Therapy in Singapore

event concluded

Embodied Landscapes in Singapore

event concluded

Research-in-Residence: Ubah Rumah

event concluded

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PRESALE: Oceanic Body Retreat

May 9-11, 2025 at Telunas, Sugi Island

Oceanic Body is a 3 day deep dive into the wisdom of the water within our bodies.

Modern way of life has coerced us towards the violence of rushing and pursuit of perfection. This drives us into daily distraction, and compounded tension that leads into chronic fatigue and disease. 

Deep time invites us into collective care expressed through deep time practices of embodiment and sound. Space held by trauma-informed facilitator and embodiment guide Chloe of Body as Earth and soundscapes meditative journeys with Dr. Foo.

Live over the water at the rustic yet tasteful Telunas, a secluded beach on Sugi Island, only a 2 hour ferry ride away from Singapore.