Tune into my inner self
The retreat really allowed me to hold space for myself in a more intentional way that I had never really done before. To be around people who were also in a similar junction in their lives, trying to figure something out or hold space for themselves, also really helped put me at ease with being […]
Embody slow living
I am more focus and more grounded. I started to embody slow living. After the retreat I have much more connected to the inner child in me.
Helped me to honour my ancestral history
This experience brought me closer to my heritage and helped me to honour and feel more connected to my ancestral history.
What are the right questions I need to be exploring internally
I usually carry a lot of tension in my jaw. It has never felt so relaxed before. I bring back with me simple breathing exercises, and hope to develop that as a habit and practise. I also return back home with a greater sense of what are the right questions I need to be exploring […]