Working on a Spiritual and Energetic Level
Working with ceremony helps hold your pain and healing journey in a larger context. The trauma that we each experience is unique. Yet, when we know that others have undergone similar journeys, we feel less alone.
Working at spiritual levels helps us to realise that there is deeper meaning in our experience and even in our trauma. We can grow and evolve emotionally and spiritually through facing our feelings and experiences. Ceremony is a container for such reflection.
Power and Significance of Ceremonies
Symbols, rituals, and ceremonies are powerful vehicles for helping us to heal and become more whole through working at a level beneath the conscious mind. Through mindfulness, meditation, prayer, inner dialogue with our soul selves and spiritual guides, we are able to commune with our inner wisdom to feel held, and gain awareness about the meaning of our experiences and ways to heal.
Ceremonies engage the conscious, unconscious, and super-conscious aspects of ourselves and integrate mind, body, and spirit. Working on a ceremonial level is akin to an electro-magnetic field. This binds galaxies together and has gravitational force. As we honour and work with the level of ceremony, we are remembering and reweaving connections with each other, and with the energies of the cosmos.
Circle as Communal Meditation
Groups may offer away of healing within relationship that feel safe without feeling too intimidating. This can allow for more readiness for further, more intensive individual therapeutic work, later on.
Part of the power of a sacred circle is consciously calling in energies of the circle and of Spirit to guide the process and hold everyone in a safe space. As we sit in ceremony together, we learn to see ourselves more clearly, and heal on an interconnected level. We are able to feel met, accepted, and become more empowered to be in the fullness of who we are. We are wired to relate.
Awareness of Spiritual Bypassing
The relationship with a group may provide guidance, compassion, and solace. However, it’s important to also acknowledge that addiction to spirituality can also be a form of spiritual bypassing. It can become a way to avoid facing fear. It becomes important to work on the trauma and trust issues to deepen the capacity to be in healthy relationships in the physical dimension, as well as relationships in the invisible realms.
Text is adapted from Heather Ensworth PhD of Rising Moon Healing Center; she is a bridge of clinical psychotherapy, shamanic journeys, astrology, and modern mysticism.