Body as Earth

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Healing from Abuse: Body-Centered Approaches

A story about recovering from abuse through processing with the body.   Misty grew up in a abusive household with violence, isolation, and neglect. She ran away and had to figure life out ‘on her own’. Today, she has a stable job, a few friends, and many challenges here and there, especially socially, but she […]

How do we rest amidst chaos?

It is said that we have an average of 60,000 thoughts per day. Of which, most are detrimental or useless. Why can’t we easily find a peaceful mind? Why is it so noisy in our heads? Why do we go into mental loops, especially around judgement? Why is it so hard to relax? Well, these […]

Biodynamic Somatic Therapy in Singapore

September 1 - 30, 2024

A path to reconnect with your body.

A journey towards regulating your nervous system, fostering better body awareness, and recovery.

At its core, this therapy employs gentle techniques rooted in Craniosacral dynamics, somatic awareness, and trauma sensitive practices. It aims to release compounded tension, and restore balance. 

This therapy can support re-balancing for chronic pain, fatigue, burn-out, anxiety, and, more; alongside a deeper understanding of one’s own inner embodied wisdom.